Sunday 14 July 2013

Simpler Rules: Rule 32

Rule 32: Par and Stableford Competitions 

32-1 Conditions
Par and Stableford competitions are forms of stroke play in which play is against a fixed score at each hole. The Rules for stroke play, so far as they are not at variance with the following specific Rules, apply. 

In handicap par and Stableford competitions, the competitor with the lowest net score at a hole takes the honour at the next tee. 

a. Par Competitions
The scoring for par competitions is made as in match play.

Any hole which is not completed or at which the player achieves a net score which is greater than the fixed score (par) for the hole is a loss (or minus). The winner is the competitor who is most successful in the aggregate of holes. 

The marker is responsible for marking only the gross number of strokes for each hole where the competitor makes a net score equal to or less than the fixed score. 

b. Stableford Competitions 
The scoring in Stableford competitions is made by points awarded in relation to a fixed score at each hole as follows: 

Hole Played In                                                                  Points 

More than one over fixed score or no score returned        0
One over fixed score                                                          1
Fixed score                                                                         2
One under fixed score                                                        3
Two under fixed score                                                        4
Three under fixed score                                                     5
Four under fixed score                                                       6 

The winner is the competitor who scores the highest aggregate number of points. 

The marker is responsible for marking only the gross number of strokes at each hole where the competitor’s net score earns one or more points. 
32-2 Breach of Rule Were Maximum Penalty per Round Applies
If a competitor is in breach of a Rule for which there is a maximum penalty per round, he must report the facts to the Committee before returning his score card. If he fails to do so, he is disqualified from the competition.

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