Rog's Question: July

Here is your opportunity to show what you know about the Rules. Use the Rule Book to answer the following question. Keep you answer brief and to the point and state which Rule(s) you are relying upon to justify your answer.

Assume that the player in the June question had his error drawn to his attention after he had played on to the green but before he had played his first putt.  He has incurred a penalty of two strokes in accord with Rule 18 but how should he now proceed?

1 comment:

  1. The player has played from a wrong place and therefore rule 20-7c states that the player must play out the hole with the ball played from the wrong place, without correcting his error, provided he has not committed a serious breach, which means he has gained a significant advantage from his play from a wrong place, in this case it does not appear that he has from what we are told.
