Tuesday 16 July 2013


Rog will take a break from posting while he reviews the state of his proposed revised rules for club and social golfers and works on the task of formatting them into a state suitable for publication.

If, however, anything sufficiently interesting arises that Rog believes the spotlight should be focussed on he will, no doubt, suspend this task and post a comment.

Thanks to all those who have shown the interest to read this blog over the past 18 months, particularly to those who have stimulated discussion by taking the time to post a comment.

In the meantime, if anyone has an inspiration as to how the Rules might be simplified or improved for 'club' golfers, please post a comment on this page.


  1. Have you seen this? In particular Code 2.


  2. You will be interested to see the comments re dropping !

  3. Rog,
    You may be interested in this.

  4. Thank you very much gentlemen.

    I have had a brief look at the site and will read it with interest.

    I have been working on my effort and have made a few significant alterations to what has been posted here, and hope to have a progressive draft available on this site in the near future (if I can work out the technicalities, that is).
