Saturday 13 July 2013

Simpler Rules: Rule 31

Rule 31: Better-ball Stroke Play 

31-1. General
Rules 1 to 28 apply unless they are over-ridden by the any specific provision included in this Rule.

31-2. Representation of Side
A side may be represented by either partner for all or any part of a stipulated round; both partners need not be present. An absent competitor may join his partner between holes, but not during play of a hole.

31-3. Scoring
The marker is required to record for each hole only the gross score of whichever partner’s score is to count. The gross scores to count must be individually identifiable; otherwise, the side is disqualified. Only one of the partners need be responsible for signing and returning the scorecard.  

(Wrong score – see Rule 31-7a)

31-4. Order of Play
Balls belonging to the same side may be played in the order the side considers best. 

31-5. Wrong Ball
If a competitor makes a stroke at a wrong ball, he incurs a penalty of two strokes and must correct his mistake in accordance with Rule 15-3b. His partner incurs no penalty, even if the wrong ball belongs to him. 

If the wrong ball belongs to another player, its owner must place a ball at the nearest point, not nearer to the hole, to the position (or estimated position where appropriate) from which his ball was first wrongly played which avoids damage to the lie created by the playing of that ball.

(Placing and Replacing – see Rule 20-3) 

31-6. Effect of Other Penalties
If a player’s breach of a Rule assists his partner’s play or adversely affects an opponent’s play, the partner incurs the applicable penalty in addition to any penalty incurred by the player. 

In all other cases where a player incurs a penalty for breach of a Rule, the penalty does not apply to his partner. Where the penalty is stated to be loss of hole, the effect is to disqualify the player for that hole. 

For penalties to, or disqualification of, a side see Rule 33

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