Sunday 14 April 2013

Simpler Rules: Rule 11

Rule 11: Teeing the Ball 

11-1. Teeing
When a player is putting a ball into play from the tee, it must be played from within the tee.  

If a player makes a stroke at a ball on a tee-peg exceeding 100mm in length, or at a ball teed in a manner not permitted by this Rule, he is disqualified from the competition. 

A player may stand outside the tee to play a ball within it.

11-2. Tee-Markers
When a player makes his first stroke with any ball on the tee of the hole being played, the tee-markers are deemed to be fixed. If the player moves or allows to be moved a tee-marker for the purpose of avoiding interference with his stance, the area of his intended swing or his line of play, he incurs the penalty of loss of hole or two strokes (for a breach of Rule 13-2). 

For any subsequent stroke played from the tee, the tee-markers remain immovable obstructions.

11-3. Ball Moved on the Tee
If a ball, when not in play, is moved by the player in the act of addressing it or during a practice swing it may be replaced or played as it lies, without penalty. However, if a stroke is made at the ball in these circumstances, whether the ball is moving or not, the stroke counts, but there is no penalty.

11-4. Playing from Outside Tee
a. Match Play
If a player, when starting a hole, plays a ball from outside the tee, there is no penalty, but the opponent may immediately require the player to cancel the stroke and play a ball from within the tee. 

b. Stroke Play
If a competitor, when starting a hole, plays a ball from outside the tee, he incurs a penalty of two strokes and must then play a ball from within the tee. 

If the competitor makes a stroke from the next tee without first correcting his mistake or, in the case of the last hole of the round, leaves the putting green without first declaring his intention to correct his mistake, he is disqualified from the competition. In par and Stableford competition, the player is disqualified from the hole at which the breach occurred. 

The stroke made from outside the tee, and any subsequent stroke made by the competitor on that hole prior to correcting his mistake, does not count in his score.

11-5. Playing from Wrong Tee
The provisions of Rule 11-4 apply.


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