Friday 8 March 2013

Simpler Rules: Rule 2

Rule 2: Match Play

2-1. General
A match consists of one side playing against another over a stipulated round unless otherwise decreed by the Committee.

In match play the game is played by holes.

Except as otherwise provided in the Rules, a hole is won by the side that holes its ball in the fewer strokes. In a handicap match, the lower net score wins the hole.

When both sides hole-out in the same score, or net score, the hole is halved.

The state of the match is expressed by the terms: so many ‘holes up’ or ‘all square’, and so many ‘to play’.

2-2. Penalty Incurred After Holing Out
When a player has holed out and his opponent has been left with a stroke for the half, if the player subsequently incurs a penalty, the hole is halved.

2-3. Winner of Match
A match is won when one side leads by a number of holes greater than the number remaining to be played.

If there is a tie, the Committee may extend the stipulated round by as many holes as are required for a match to be won.

2-4. Concession of Match, Hole or Next Stroke
A player may concede a match at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that match.

A player may concede a hole at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that hole.

A player may concede his opponent’s next stroke at any time, provided the opponent’s ball is at rest: the opponent is considered to have holed out with his next stroke, and the ball may be removed by either side.

A concession may not be declined or withdrawn. (Ball overhanging hole – see Rule 16-2)

2-5. Doubt as to Procedure; Disputes and Claims
In match play, if a doubt or dispute arises between the sides, either or both sides may indicate that they intend to seek a ruling. The claimant(s) must immediately and clearly state to the opponent(s) that a ruling will be sought and outline the nature of the claim. If no authorised representative of the Committee is available within a reasonable time, the players must continue the match without delay and seek resolution as soon as a Committee official becomes available or at the completion of the round.

Advice about a claim must be given before any player in the match plays from the next teeing ground, or, in the case of the final hole, before all players in the match leave the green. If information becomes available only after all players have left the final putting green, a claim may be lodged before the result of the match has been officially announced.

Committee procedures are described in Rule 34-1.

Note 1: A player may disregard a breach of the Rules by his opponent provided there is no agreement by the sides to waive a Rule (Rule 1-3).

Note 2: In match play, if a player is doubtful of his rights or the correct procedure, he may not complete the play of the hole with two balls.

2-6. General Penalty
The penalty for a breach of a Rule or Local Rule in match play is loss of hole except when otherwise provided.



  1. These two sentences should be continuous in the same statement/paragraph as present. The second depends on and is only related to, the first.

    "A player may concede his opponent’s next stroke at any time, provided the opponent’s ball is at rest.

    The opponent is considered to have holed out with his next stroke, and the ball may be removed by either side."
