Monday 4 March 2013

Simpler Rules: Rule 1

Rule 1:  The Game

1-1. General
The Game of Golf consists of playing a ball with a club from the tee into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the Rules.

1-2. Exerting Influence on Movement of Ball or Altering Physical Conditions
A player must not (i) take an action with the intent to influence the movement of a ball in play or (ii) alter physical conditions with the intent of affecting the playing of a hole.
Exception: An action expressly permitted or expressly prohibited by another Rule is subject to that other Rule, not Rule 1-2.
Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes.
In the case of a serious breach of Rule 1-2, the Committee may impose a penalty of disqualification.
Note: In stroke play, except where a serious breach resulting in disqualification is involved, a player in breach of Rule 1-2 in relation to the movement of his own ball must play the ball as it lies. If the movement of a player’s ball has been intentionally influenced by a fellow-competitor or other outside agency, Rule 1-4 applies to the player (see Note to Rule 19-1).
1-3. Agreement to Waive Rules
Players must not agree to exclude the operation of any Rule or to waive any penalty incurred.
Match play – Disqualification of both sides; Stroke play – Disqualification of competitors concerned.
(Agreeing to play out of turn in stroke play – see Rule 10-2c)
1-4. Points Not Covered by Rules
If any point in dispute is not covered by the Rules, the decision should be made in accordance with equity.
In addition: The following has been added to the Definitions as it has application to several rules:
Stroke and Distance Penalty
At times, permitted by the rules, a player may play a ball as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played. Except where otherwise provided in the rules, this incurs a ‘stroke and distance penalty’. That is, the stroke so played counts and an additional penalty of one stroke applies.


  1. "Stroke and Distance Penalty
    At times, permitted by the rules ...."

    Why not 'At any time ...." ?
    What am I missing?

  2. Agreed. I am assuming that this comment refers to the Definition (which I have changed).

  3. I can't find the definition in the Definitions

  4. Sorry, I have added it to my working file!

    I will post it in a day or two along with 'divot' and 'tee-peg'.

  5. Don't rush.

    There's enough for me to digest already ;-)
