Sunday 9 June 2013

Simpler Rules: Rule 24

Rule 24: Obstructions 

24-1. Movable Obstruction
A player may take relief, without penalty, from a movable obstruction as follows: 

(i)    If the ball does not lie in or on the obstruction, the obstruction may be removed. If the ball moves, it must be replaced, and there is no penalty, provided that the movement of the ball is directly attributable to the removal of the obstruction. Otherwise, Rule 18-2a applies. 

(ii)    If the ball lies in or on the obstruction, the ball may be lifted and the obstruction removed. The ball must be placed, as near as possible to the spot directly under the place where the ball lay in or on the obstruction, but not nearer the hole. 

When a ball is in motion, an obstruction that might influence the movement of the ball must not be moved. However, equipment of any player or the flagstick when it is attended or held up, or when it has been removed from the hole, may be moved. 

(Exerting influence on ball – see Rule 1-2) 

Note: If a ball to be placed under this Rule is not immediately recoverable, another ball may be substituted.

24-2. Immovable Obstruction
a. Interference
Interference by an immovable obstruction occurs when a ball lies in or on the obstruction, or when the obstruction interferes with the player’s stance or the area of his intended swing.
Intervention on the line of play is not, of itself, interference under this Rule except that: 

   (a)  If the player’s ball lies on the putting green, interference also occurs if an immovable
         obstruction on the putting green intervenes on his line of putt; or
   (b)  If a player's ball lies within two clublengths of an immovable obstruction which lies less
         than two clublengths from the putting green. 

b. Relief
If a player’s ball comes to rest as follows, the player may: 

(i)    Through the Green: Proceed in accordance with the procedure for taking relief.  

(ii)   In a Hazard:
       (a)   Proceed in accordance with the procedure for taking relief; or 

       (b)   In the case of a water hazard proceed in accordance with Rule 26-1.

(iii)   On the Putting Green: Proceed in accordance with the procedure for taking relief.  

(iv)   On the Tee: Proceed in accordance with the procedure for taking relief.

Exception: A player may not take relief under this Rule if anything other than an immovable obstruction prevents him from taking a normal stance and making a normal stroke directed at the normal line of play.  

Note 1: If a ball to be placed under this Rule is not immediately recoverable, another ball may be substituted.

24-3. Ball in Obstruction Not Found
It is a question of fact whether a ball that has not been found after having been struck toward an obstruction is in the obstruction. In order to apply this Rule, there must be conclusive evidence that the ball is in the obstruction. In the absence of certainty of such evidence, the player must proceed under Rule 27-1. 

a. Ball in Movable Obstruction Not Found
If there is conclusive evidence that a ball that has not been found is in a movable obstruction, the player may substitute another ball and take relief, without penalty, under this Rule. If he elects to do so, the point where the ball last crossed the outermost limits of the obstruction must be determined and, for the purpose of applying this Rule, the ball is deemed to have come to rest at this point. The player must proceed in accordance with the procedure for taking relief. 

b. Ball in Immovable Obstruction Not Found
If there is conclusive evidence that a ball that has not been found is in an immovable obstruction, the player may take relief, without penalty, under this Rule. If he elects to do so, the point where the ball last crossed the outermost limits of the obstruction must be determined and, for the purpose of applying this Rule, the ball is deemed to have come to rest at this point. The player must proceed in accordance with the procedure for taking relief. 

Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes.

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