Thursday 28 February 2013

Simpler Rules: Definitions (M-Z)

A ‘marker’ is a person who records and certifies a competitor’s score in stroke play. He may be, but need not be, a fellow-competitor.

Move or Moved
A ball is deemed to have ‘moved’ if it leaves its position and comes to rest in any other place.

Nearest Point of Relief
The ‘nearest point of relief’ is the point on the course nearest to where the ball lies:

(i)  that is not nearer the hole, and

(ii) where, if the ball were so positioned, no interference by the condition from which relief is sought would exist for the stroke the player would have made from the original position if the condition were not there.

Note: In order to determine the nearest point of relief accurately, the player should use the club with which he would have made his next stroke if the condition were not there to simulate the address position, direction of play and swing for such a stroke.

An ‘obstruction’ is anything artificial, including the artificial surfaces and sides of roads and paths and manufactured ice, except:

a.  Objects defining out of bounds, such as walls, fences, stakes and railings;

b.  Any part of an immovable artificial object that is out of bounds; and

c.  Any construction declared by the Committee to be an integral part of the course.

An obstruction is a movable obstruction if it may be moved by the player with the assistance of no more than one other person, without unduly delaying play and without causing damage. Otherwise, it is an immovable obstruction.

Note: The Committee may make a Local Rule declaring a movable obstruction to be an immovable obstruction.

An ‘opponent’ is a member of a side against whom the player’s side is competing in match play.

Out of Bounds
‘Out of bounds’ is beyond the boundaries of the course, or any part of the course so marked by the Committee.

When out of bounds is defined by stakes or a fence, the out of bounds line is determined by the nearest inside points at ground level of the stakes or fence posts (excluding angled supports). When both stakes and lines are used to indicate out of bounds, the stakes identify out of bounds and the lines define out of bounds. When out of bounds is defined by a line on the ground, the line itself is out of bounds. The out of bounds line extends vertically upwards and downwards.

The colour of stakes identifying out of bounds is determined by the Committee, but usually will be white.

A ball is out of bounds when all of it lies out of bounds.

A player may stand out of bounds to play a ball lying within bounds.

Objects defining out of bounds such as walls, fences, stakes and railings are not obstructions and are deemed to be fixed. Stakes identifying out of bounds are not obstructions and are deemed to be fixed.

Outside Agency
In match play, an ‘outside agency’ is any agency other than either the player’s or opponent’s side, any caddie of either side, any ball played by either side at the hole being played or any equipment of either side.

In stroke play, an outside agency is any agency other than the competitor’s side, any caddie of the side, any ball played by the side at the hole being played or any equipment of the side.

An outside agency includes a referee, a marker and any other person assisting the Committee in the conduct of the competition. Neither wind nor water is an outside agency.

A ‘partner’ is a player associated with another player on the same side.

In foursome and better-ball play, where the context so allows, the word ‘player’ includes his partner or partners.

Penalty Stroke
A ‘penalty stroke’ is one added to the score of a player or side under certain Rules. In foursome play, penalty strokes do not affect the order of play.

A player is any opponent or competitor.

Provisional Ball
A ‘provisional ball’ is a ball played under Rule 27-2 for a ball that may be lost outside a water hazard or may be out of bounds.

Putting Green
The ‘putting green’ is all ground of the hole being played that is specially prepared for putting or otherwise defined as such by the Committee. A ball is on the putting green when any part of it touches the putting green.

A ‘referee’ is a person who is appointed by the Committee to decide questions of fact and apply the Rules. He must act on any breach of a Rule that he observes or is reported to him.

A referee should not attend the flagstick, stand at or mark the position of the hole, or lift the ball or mark its position.

Exception in match play: Unless a referee is assigned to accompany the players throughout a match, he has no authority to intervene in a match other than in relation to Rule 1-3, 6-7 or 33-7.

The ‘rough’ is the entire course except teeing grounds, putting greens, hazards and fairways.

Serious Breach
A ‘serious breach’ of the Rules occurs where the Committee deems that the action taken by the player has allowed him or another player to gain a significant advantage or has placed another player, other than his partner, at a significant disadvantage.

A ‘side’ is a player, or two or more players who are partners. In match play, each member of the opposing side is an opponent. In stroke play, members of all sides are competitors and members of different sides playing together are fellow-competitors.

See ‘Forms of Match Play’ and ‘Forms of Stroke Play’.

Taking the ‘stance’ consists in a player placing his feet in position for and preparatory to making a stroke.

Stipulated Round
The ‘stipulated round’ consists of playing the holes of the course in their correct sequence, unless otherwise authorised by the Committee. The number of holes in a stipulated round is 18 unless a smaller number is authorised by the Committee. As to extension of stipulated round in match play, see Rule 2-3.

A ‘stroke’ is the forward movement of the club made with the intention of striking at and moving the ball, but if a player checks his downswing before the clubhead reaches the ball he has not made a stroke.

Substituted Ball
A ‘substituted ball’ is a ball put into play in place of the original ball. A ball substituted contrary to the Rules may become the ball in play.

The ‘swing’ includes the take away of the club in preparation for a stroke and the stroke itself.

The ‘tee’ is the starting place for the hole to be played. It is a rectangular area two club-lengths in depth, the front and the sides of which are defined by the outside limits of two tee-markers.

A ball is outside the tee when all of it lies outside the tee.

Teeing Ground
A ‘teeing ground’ is any area of the course specially prepared for placement of the tee by the Committee.  Any part of the course upon which a tee is placed, is deemed to be a teeing ground.

Through the Green
‘Through the green’ is the whole area of the course except:

a.  The tee and putting green of the hole being played; and

b.  All hazards on the course.

Water Hazard
A ‘water hazard’ is any sea, lake, pond, river, ditch, surface drainage ditch or other open water course (whether or not containing water) and anything of a similar nature on the course. All ground and water within the margin of a water hazard are part of the water hazard.

A water hazard is marked by yellow stakes and/or lines and a lateral water hazard by red stakes and/or lines.  If a water hazard is unmarked it should be treated as a lateral water hazard.

When the margin of a water hazard is defined by stakes, the stakes are inside the water hazard, and the margin of the hazard is defined by the nearest outside points of the stakes at ground level. When both stakes and lines are used to indicate a water hazard, the stakes identify the hazard and the lines define the hazard margin. When the margin of a water hazard is defined by a line on the ground, the line itself is in the water hazard. The margin of a water hazard extends vertically upwards and downwards.

A ball is in a water hazard when it lies in or any part of it touches the water hazard.

Stakes used to define the margin of or identify a water hazard are obstructions.

Note: The Committee may make a Local Rule prohibiting play from an environmentally-sensitive area defined as a water hazard.

Wrong Ball
A ‘wrong ball’ is any ball other than the player’s:

    ball in play;

    provisional ball; or

    second ball played under Rule 3-3 or Rule 20-7c in stroke play;

and includes:

    another player’s ball;

    an abandoned ball; and

    the player’s original ball when it is no longer in play.

Note: Ball in play includes a ball substituted for the ball in play, whether or not the substitution is permitted.

Wrong Putting Green
A ‘wrong putting green’ is any putting green other than that of the hole being played. Unless otherwise prescribed by the Committee, this term includes a practice putting green or pitching green on the course.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Simpler Rules: Definitions (A-L)


In the coming weeks I will be publishing for comment a set of golf rules focussed on the needs of club golfers.

To avoid confusion, these rules will be squarely based on the current Rules of Golf published and distributed to all affiliated golfers, under copyright, by the R&A and USGA.

The proposed rules will be restructured slightly (in the interests of a club golfer’s ‘need to know’), there will be some significant reforms included (such as treating ‘loose impediments’ in hazards in the same way as anywhere else on the course), and an attempt will be made to ensure that the rules are clearly written and capable of understanding by all.

Rog has not identified where these proposals differ from the current code as he is confident that people who read this site are well versed in the content of this code.

If you have an interest in reforming the rules, please contribute your criticisms, comments, and/or suggestions for improvement so that we can get the outcome which ‘punters’ require.

Rog does not guarantee to use all comments (as almost certainly some will be in direct opposition to others) but all will be read and considered.

This first posting covers Definitions A-L

Abnormal Ground Condition
An ‘abnormal ground condition’ is any casual water, ground under repair or hole, cast or scrape on the course made by an animal.

Addressing the Ball
A player has ‘addressed the ball’ when he has grounded his club directly in front of or directly behind the ball, whether or not he has taken his stance.

‘Advice’ is any counsel or suggestion that could influence a player in determining his play, the choice of a club or the method of making a stroke.

Information on the Rules, distance or matters of public information, such as the position of hazards or the flagstick on the putting green, is not advice.

An ‘agency’ is any body capable of exerting an influence on the ball by virtue of its own activity or movement imparted by an external force.

Ball Deemed to Move
See ‘Move or Moved’.

Ball Holed
See ‘Holed’.

Ball Lost
See ‘Lost Ball’.

A small coin or similar object.

Ball in Play
A ball is ‘in play’ as soon as the player has made a stroke on the tee. It remains in play until it is holed, except when it is lost, out of bounds or lifted. If another ball is substituted during play of the hole (whether or not the substitution is permitted) the substituted ball becomes the ball in play.

If a ball is played from outside the tee when commencing a hole, the ball is not in play, except when an opponent does not require that the stroke be cancelled in accordance with Rule 11‑4a.

See ‘Forms of Match Play’ and ‘Forms of Stroke Play’.

A ‘bunker’ is a hazard consisting of a prepared area of ground, often a hollow, from which turf or soil has been removed and replaced with sand or the like.

Grass-covered ground bordering or within a bunker, including a stacked turf face (whether grass-covered or earthen), is not part of the bunker. A wall or lip of the bunker not covered with grass is part of the bunker. The margin of a bunker extends vertically downwards and upwards.

A ball is in a bunker when it lies in or any part of it touches the bunker.

A ‘caddie’ is one who assists the player in accordance with the Rules, which may include carrying or handling the player’s clubs during play.

When a caddie is employed by more than one player, he is always deemed to be the caddie of the player whose ball (or whose partner’s ball) is involved, and all equipment carried by him is deemed to be that player’s equipment. Except that when the caddie acts upon specific directions of another player (or the partner of another player) sharing the caddie, he is considered to be that player’s caddie.

Casual Water
Casual water’ is any temporary accumulation of water on the course that is not in a water hazard and is visible before or after the player takes his stance. Snow and natural ice are either casual water or loose impediments, at the option of the player. Manufactured ice is an obstruction. Dew and frost are not casual water.

A ball is in casual water when it lies in or any part of it touches the casual water.

‘Closely-mown’ means any area of the course, including paths through the rough, cut to fairway height or less.

The ‘Committee’ is the committee in charge of the competition or, if the matter does not arise in a competition, the committee in charge of the course.

A ‘competitor’ is a player in a stroke play competition. A ‘fellow-competitor’ is any player with whom the competitor plays. Neither is partner of the other.

Conclusive evidence
‘Conclusive evidence’ is evidence sufficient to reach a conclusion with reasonable certainty in accordance with the spirit of the game and in agreement with the marker or opponent.

The ‘course’ is the whole area within any boundaries established by the Committee (see Rule 33-2).

A hole left in the turf when grass and soil have been removed by the clubhead in making a stroke or practice swing.

‘Equipment’ is anything used, worn or carried by the player or anything carried for the player by his partner or either of their caddies, including a golf cart, whether or not motorised.

A ball in play at the hole being played is not equipment. Neither is any object when used to mark the position of a ball or the extent of an area in which a ball is to be placed.

However, a ball being played at the hole being played is equipment when it has been lifted and not put back into play.

Note: When a golf cart is shared by two or more players, the cart and everything in it are deemed to be the equipment of one of the players sharing the cart.

If the cart is being moved by one of the players (or the partner of one of the players) sharing it, the cart and everything in it are deemed to be that player’s equipment. Otherwise, the cart and everything in it are deemed to be the equipment of the player sharing the cart whose ball (or whose partner’s ball) is involved.

A fairway is a closely mown area of the course between tee and green prepared for the purpose of playing the hole.

See ‘Competitor’.

The ‘flagstick’ is a movable straight indicator, with or without a flag attached, located in the hole to show its position on the putting green.

Forms of Match Play
Single: A match in which one player plays against another player.

Foursome: A match in which two players play against two other players, and each side plays one ball.

Better-Ball: A match in which two players play their better ball against the better ball of two other players.

Forms of Stroke Play
Individual: A competition in which each competitor plays as an individual.

Foursome: A competition in which two competitors play as partners and play one ball.

Better-Ball: A competition in which two competitors play as partners, each playing his own ball. The lower score of the partners is the score for the hole.

Note:  For par and Stableford competitions, see Rule 32-1.

See ‘Forms of Match Play’ and ‘Forms of Stroke Play’.

Ground Under Repair
‘Ground under repair’ is any part of the course so marked by order of the Committee or so declared by its authorised representative. All ground and any grass, bush, tree or other growing thing within the ground under repair are part of the ground under repair. Ground under repair includes material piled for removal, a hole made by a greenkeeper, any unrepaired or sand filled divot, or any aeration hole throughout the course, even if not so marked. Grass cuttings and other material left on the course that have been abandoned and are not intended to be removed are not ground under repair unless so marked, but may be treated as loose impediments.

When the margin of ground under repair is defined by stakes, the stakes are inside the ground under repair, and the margin of the ground under repair is defined by the nearest outside points of the stakes at ground level. When both stakes and lines are used to indicate ground under repair, the stakes identify the ground under repair and the lines define the margin of the ground under repair. When the margin of ground under repair is defined by a line on the ground, the line itself is in the ground under repair. The margin of ground under repair extends vertically downwards and upwards.

A ball is in ground under repair when it lies in or any part of it touches the ground under repair.

Stakes used to define the margin of or identify ground under repair are obstructions.

A ‘hazard’ is any bunker or water hazard.

A ball is ‘holed’ when it is at rest within the circumference of the hole on the putting green of the hole being played and all of it is below the level of the lip of the hole.

The player who is to play first from the tee is said to have the ‘honour’.

Line of Play
The ‘line of play’ is the direction that the player wishes his ball to take after a stroke, plus a reasonable distance on either side of the intended direction. The line of play extends vertically upwards from the ground, but does not extend beyond the hole.

Line of Putt
The ‘line of putt’ is the line that the player wishes his ball to take after a stroke on the putting green. Except with respect to Rule 16-1e, the line of putt includes a reasonable distance on either side of the intended line. The line of putt does not extend beyond the hole.

Loose Impediment  
A ‘Loose impediment’ is a natural object able to be lifted without undue delay to play by the player with the assistance of no more than one other person, including:

     stones, leaves, twigs, branches and the like,
     dung, and
     worms, insects and the like, and the casts and heaps made by them,

provided they are not:

     fixed or growing,
     solidly embedded, or
     adhering to the ball.

Sand and loose soil are loose impediments on the putting green, but not elsewhere.

Snow and natural ice, other than frost, are either casual water or loose impediments, at the option of the player. Dew and frost are not loose impediments.

Lost Ball
A ball is deemed ‘lost’ if:

a.  It is not found or identified as his by the player within five minutes after the player’s side or his or their caddies have begun to search for it; or

b.  The player has made a stroke at a provisional ball from the place where the original ball is likely to be or from a point nearer the hole than that place (see Rule 27-2b); or

c.  The player has put another ball into play under penalty of stroke and distance under Rule 26-1a, 27-1 or 28a; or

d.  The player has put another ball into play because there is conclusive evidence that the ball, which has not been found, has been moved by an outside agency (see Rule 18-1), is in an obstruction (see Rule 24-3), is in an abnormal ground condition (see Rule 25-1c) or is in a water hazard (see Rule 26-1b or c); or

e.  The player has made a stroke at a substituted ball.

Time spent in playing a wrong ball is not counted in the five-minute period allowed for search.

‘By lot’ means ‘by chance’, such as a coin (head/tail), a ball (odd/even) or straws (long/short).

Thursday 14 February 2013

Rog’s Blog: Casual Water in Bunkers

 This is, arguably, the most iniquitous rule in golf!


It is clear that someone has to accept responsibility for presenting the course in such a condition that the game can be played as designed and that conditions are equitable for all competitors.

While the Rules are not precise on this issue, it seems abundantly clear from the provisions of Rule 33-2 that for each competition, this body is ‘the committee’.

When it comes to the question of design, the Rules require, for example that: The putting green is an area of the course ‘… specially prepared for putting …’. In practice this means, for instance, that the surface does not have holes dug in it or is not covered by water such that the ball will not roll on the surface.  Similarly, a bunker is: ‘a prepared area of ground, often a hollow, from which turf or soil has been removed and replaced with sand or the like.’

It is the responsibility of ‘the committee’ that each of these course features comply with these requirements.


Causal water does, from time-to-time, find its way into bunkers; hence there must be relief options available.

There are two problems with the current relief provisions.

·      When a bunker contains casual water its sand is, ipso facto, wet and we all know what happens when a ball is dropped into wet sand: it becomes indented into the surface (plugged). This is a penal outcome from a ‘free drop’.

This problem would be solved by adopting the proposal to eliminate ‘dropping’ in favour of ‘placing’ (see Rog’s Blog: Time to Drop the ‘drop’).

·      When a bunker is completely full of casual water there is no place at which relief can be taken.  The bunker is no longer a ‘bunker’ as defined.

In this case, in order to continue play, the player must accept a penalty and drop outside of the bunker.

We witnessed an excellent example of these circumstances in a recent major tournament when the event descended into farce while those in charge sat on their hands and took no action to protect the integrity of the game.

So many of the bunkers became ‘unplayable’ as they were filled with water and it was painful to watch players wrestling with the prospect of dropping into, and playing from, mud or taking a penalty stroke because there was no place in the bunker to drop the ball.

This made the game look very foolish indeed.

It is clearly incumbent on ‘the committee’ to ensure that the course can be played within the Rules.  It is also clear that on this occasion this responsibility could be met by doing nothing.

Rule 25-1.b(ii)  provides a method of relief from a bunker rendered ‘unplayable’ through the presence of causal water.

This Rule states:

(ii) In a Bunker: If the ball is in a bunker, the player must lift the ball and drop it either:

(a)   Without penalty, in accordance with Clause (i) above, except that the nearest point of relief must be in the bunker and the ball must be dropped in the bunker; or

(b)   Under penalty of one stroke, outside the bunker keeping the point where the ball lay directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind the bunker the ball may be dropped.

Why should long-suffering players be faced with no equitable relief from a course condition which does not comply with the structure or definitions of the game?

It such circumstances, the option available to a player faced with a water-filled bunker in which there is no prospect of placing in ‘maximum possible relief’ would be to either:

·      Take relief, without penalty, outside of the bunker at the nearest point of relief behind where the ball lay; or

·      Re-play the ball from the point where it was last played, without penalty.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Rog's Blog: Where to Take Relief

Following-on from Time to Drop the ‘drop’ we need to consider the question of where relief should be taken, or ‘where to place’.

Under current provisions, relief available may be:

·   Within one club-length not nearer to the hole (eg: casual water, GUR, immovable obstruction);

·   Within two club-lengths not nearer to the hole (eg: lateral water hazard, unplayable lie);

·   Nearest point of relief not nearer to the hole (eg: wrong putting green, immovable obstruction near a green); or

·   As near as possible to the position of the ball where relief is afforded (eg: embedded ball, immovable obstruction near a green ).

And the reference point for such relief can be:

·   Point of entry (ball in lateral water hazard or lost in casual water, GUR or immovable obstruction);

·   Nearest point of complete relief from interference to lie and stance (GUR, casual water);

·   Complete relief from interference to lie, stance and swing (immovable obstruction);

·   Nearest point of relief from interference for lie only (immovable obstruction near green, wrong putting green); or

·   Point where the ball lies (unplayable lie, embedded ball).

The obvious question is: Is all this really necessary?

I do not think so.

How much simpler it would be for us all if in every instance where relief is to be taken the ball were to be placed at the nearest point, not nearer the hole, which provides complete relief for lie, stance and swing from the interfering condition, in accordance with relief entitlement relevant to that condition?

To explain:

Situation 1

A player’s ball comes to rest in a position such that his swing is interfered-with by a fixed ball-washer.

Rule 24-2 provides, in part, that:

a. Interference

Interference by an immovable obstruction occurs when a ball lies in or on the obstruction, or when the obstruction interferes with the player’s stance or the area of his intended swing.

Hence under this proposal, player would be entitled to place his ball at the nearest point to where the ball came to rest where interference to the lie, stance and swing is avoided completely.

Situation 2

A player’s ball is known to have come to rest in a lateral water hazard.

Rule 26-1c provides, in part, that:

Relief for Ball in Water Hazard

If a ball is found in a water hazard or if it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in the water hazard … , the player may under penalty of one stroke:

c. As additional options available only if the ball last crossed the margin of a lateral water hazard, drop a ball outside the water hazard within two club-lengths of and not nearer the hole than (i) the point where the original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard or (ii) a point on the opposite margin of the water hazard equidistant from the hole.

Under this proposal, player would be entitled to place his ball at the nearest point to the point where the ball last crossed the margin of the hazard where interference to the lie and stance is avoided completely.

Situation 3

A player’s ball comes to rest in a bush as she deems it to be unplayable.

Rule 28c provides that:

If the player deems his ball to be unplayable, he must, under penalty of one stroke:

c. Drop a ball within two club-lengths of the spot where the ball lay, but not nearer the hole.

Under this proposal, player would be entitled to place her ball at the nearest point to the point where the ball lay which provides complete relief to lie, stance and swing from the condition (in this case the complete bush) which is causing the lie of the ball to be unplayable.

Situation 4

A player’s ball is embedded in its own pitch-mark in the fairway.

Rule 25-2 states:

Embedded Ball

A ball embedded in its own pitch-mark in the ground in any closely-mown area through the green may be lifted, cleaned and dropped, without penalty, as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole.

Under this proposal, player would be entitled to place his ball at the nearest point to the point where the ball was embedded which provides complete relief from the embedded lie only.

Situation 5

A player’s ball comes to rest on a wrong putting green.

Rule 25-3 states, in part:

a. Interference

Interference by a wrong putting green occurs when a ball is on the wrong putting green.

Interference to a player’s stance or the area of his intended swing is not, of itself, interference under this Rule.

b. Relief

If a player’s ball lies on a wrong putting green, he must not play the ball as it lies. He must take relief, without penalty, as follows:

The player must lift the ball and drop it within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief. The nearest point of relief must not be in a hazard or on a putting green.

Under this proposal, player would be entitled to place his ball at the nearest point to the point where the ball lay on the wrong green, which is off the green, which provides complete relief from the wrong green for lie and stance.

I ask dedicated Roggies to think for a moment or two about the many positives that these proposed simplifications of the Rules in regard to ‘placing’ and ‘place of relief’ would bring and then take as long as is needed to identify the negative consequences that would visited upon the nature, integrity, values and playing of the game by these modifications.

Please post your list of negatives so that they may be addressed by the collective wisdom of the Roggies who read this site.

Remember that the objective is to make the Rules more explicable to, and manageable by, more players who want to play by the Rules.