'Rules under the spotlight' provides a forum for those who have an interest in the Rules of Golf but do not necessarily share, or wish to be encumbered by, the conventional wisdom as to how the game should be played. It also provides a platform for those not overjoyed with the way in which the Rules are being managed.
A prime objective of this site is to identify, discuss and (where possible) suggest solutions for problem areas in the Rules; of which there are many.

On this site the ‘powers-that-be’ will be referred to as The Castle and those who inhabit it as the Castle Dwellers (or simply CDs).
Site rules are that comment is
open and encouraged but the boss machine in the back room will simply vaporize
into oblivion any contribution which:
Is too verbose;
Expresses opinion not thought-through or not
soundly based upon reference to the Rule Book;
Contains crude or unseemly language (though when
it comes to the current Rules of Golf this is difficult to resist);
Attacks individuals rather than sticking to the
issue and the point; or
Breaches any other rule of ethics which the boss
machine finds unacceptable from time-to-time.
When posting a comment please do not use your real name.
Through this site visitors will have access to the following sections:
Rog’s Blog – an occasional piece by Rog designed to describe an issue and provoke
Rog’s Question – post your answer and see how you fare at the hands
of Rogamania’s oracle
Ask Rog – got a query on a Rule or a situation: send it to Rog for
advice or resolution
Roggies Forum – pose a problem or question for open discussion
Roggies Forum – pose a problem or question for open discussion
Click on a page heading listed above right to read the content and submit a comment or answer.